Scattering of infinite cylinder

Importing relevant packages

using BoundaryIntegralEquations
using Plots
using LinearAlgebra
import BoundaryIntegralEquations: mesh_circle, plane_wave_scattering_circle

Setting up the system

n_elements = 20;    # Number of elements
freq = 100.0;       # Frequency                 (Hz)
c    = 340.0;       # Speed of sound            (m/s)
k    = 2*π*freq/c;  # Wavenumber                (1/m)
r    = 1.0;         # Circle radius             (m)

Loading and plotting meshes

mesh_lin       = mesh_circle(ContinuousCurveLinear(3),n_elements;radius=r)
mesh_quad      = mesh_circle(ContinuousCurveQuadratic(3),n_elements;radius=r)
mesh_disc_con  = mesh_circle(ContinuousCurveLinear(3),DiscontinuousCurveConstant(3),n_elements;radius=r)
mesh_disc_lin  = mesh_circle(ContinuousCurveQuadratic(3),DiscontinuousCurveLinear(3),n_elements;radius=r)
mesh_disc_quad = mesh_circle(ContinuousCurveQuadratic(3),DiscontinuousCurveQuadratic(3),n_elements;radius=r)
meshes = [mesh_lin,mesh_quad,mesh_disc_con,mesh_disc_lin,mesh_disc_quad]
mesh_types = ["Linear Geometry, Continuous Linear Physics",
              "Quadratic Geometry, Continuous Quadratic Physics",
              "Linear Geometry, Discontinuous Constant Physics",
              "Quadratic Geometry, Discontinuous Linear Physics",
              "Quadratic Geometry, Discontinuous Quadratic Physics"]
for (mesh,plot_title) in zip(meshes,mesh_types)
    scatter!(mesh.sources[1,:],mesh.sources[2,:],label="Collocation"); xlabel!("x"); ylabel!("y")
    scatter!(mesh.coordinates[1,:],mesh.coordinates[2,:],aspect_ratio=1,label="Geometry nodes")

Solving the scattering of hard infinite cylinder for each mesh

We first start with computing the analytical solution

src_angle = angle.(mesh_disc_quad.sources[1,:] + im*mesh_disc_quad.sources[2,:])
p = plane_wave_scattering_circle(src_angle,k*r,150)
plt_pressure = plot(src_angle,abs.(p),label="Analytical")

We now loop over all elements

for mesh in meshes
    pI = exp.(im*k*mesh.sources[1,:])
    src_angle = angle.(mesh.sources[1,:] + im*mesh.sources[2,:])
    pB = (F + Diagonal(C .- 1.0))\pI
┌ Warning: Assignment to `src_angle` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `src_angle` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local src_angle` to suppress this warning or `global src_angle` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ ~/Documents/GitHub/BoundaryIntegralEquations.jl/docs/src/examples/

Displaying the solution

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