ROSEBEM - Chebyshev

The Reduced Order Series Expansion Boundary Element Method (ROSEBEM) is a technique to significantly increase the computational efficiency of multifrequency BEM problems [6] [7] [15]. In this example we look at the scattering of a rigid sphere and how the ROSEBEM using a Chebyshev series expansion can be used to accelerate the computational efforts.

Importing related packages

using BoundaryIntegralEquations # For BIEs
using LegendrePolynomials       # For Legendre Polynomials
using SpecialFunctions          # For Bessel functions
using IterativeSolvers          # For gmres
using LinearAlgebra             # For Diagonal
using Meshes                    # For using `viz`
using Plots                     # For 2d plots
import GLMakie as wgl           # For 3d plotting

Setting up constants

c  = 343;                           # Speed up sound           (m/s)
a  = 1.0;                           # Radius of sphere_1m      (m)
P₀ = 1.0;                           # Magnitude of planewave   (Pa)
r  = 1.0;                           # Radius of sphere         (m)
θ_analytical = collect(0:0.01:π);   # Colaltitude angles

Loading Mesh

mesh_file = joinpath(dirname(pathof(BoundaryIntegralEquations)),"..","examples","meshes","sphere_1m_fine");
mesh = load3dTriangularComsolMesh(mesh_file;physics_order=:disctriquadratic)
simple_mesh = create_simple_mesh(mesh);
fig = viz(simple_mesh;showfacets=true);

Analytical Solution

The analytical solution of the scattering of a sphere by plane wave can be computed as ([14])

\[ p_\text{analytical}(r, \theta) = P_0\left(\exp(\mathrm{i}kr\cos(\theta)) - \sum_{n=1}^\infty \mathrm{i}^n(2n+1)\frac{j_n^{'}(ka)}{h_n^{'}(ka)}P_n(\cos(\theta))h_n(kr)\right),\]

where $j_n, h_n$ and $P_n$ are respectively the spherical Bessel function of the first kind, the Hankel function of the first kind and the Legendre polynomial of degree $n$. To make the implementation easier we defin the following helper functions

dsp_j(n,z) = n/z*sphericalbesselj(n,z) - sphericalbesselj(n+1,z); # Derivative of j
dsp_y(n,z) = n/z*sphericalbessely(n,z) - sphericalbessely(n+1,z); # Derivative of y
sp_h(n,z)  = sphericalbesselj(n,z) + im*sphericalbessely(n,z);    # Hankel function (h)
dsp_h(n,z) = dsp_j(n,z) + im*dsp_y(n,z);                          # Derivative of h

Using the helper functions we can define the a function for the coefficients

c_n(n,ka)  = (im)^n*(2n + 1)*(dsp_j.(n,ka)./dsp_h.(n,ka));

Function to evalauate the analytical pressure ([14])

function p_analytical(θ_analytical,r,k;N_trunc = 50,R=1)
    p_s = P₀*sum(n -> -c_n(n,k*R) .* Pl.(cos.(θ_analytical), n) .* sp_h.(n,k*r), 0:N_trunc)
    p_i = P₀*exp.(im*k*r*cos.(θ_analytical))
    return p_i, p_s
p_analytical (generic function with 1 method)

Solution using the ROSEBEM

The ROSEBEM is based on a series expansion of the BEM matrices and a reduced basis ($\mathbf{U} \in \mathbb{C}^{n\times \ell}$). In another example the Taylor series expansion the BEM system is used. In this example the Chebyshev is applied (similar to the approach in [15]). In short this means approximating the systems as

\[ \left(\sum_{j=0}^{M-1}\mathbf{C}_jc_j\left(g(k)\right)\right)\mathbf{x}(k) = \mathbf{U}^{\text{H}}\mathbf{p}_\text{incident}(k)\]

where $c_j(\omega)$ are the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, $g(k)$ is a function that maps $k$ from the frequency range of interst onto $[-1,1]$, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the unknown vector. Futhermore the coefficient matrices ($\mathbf{C}_j$) is computed similarly to a standard Chebyshev approximation

\[\mathbf{C}_j = \frac{2}{M }\sum_{i=0}^{M-1}\left(\mathbf{U}^{\text{H}}\mathbf{A}\left(g^{-1}(\omega_i\right)\mathbf{U}\right)c_j(\omega_i), \quad \omega_i \in [-1,1]\]

with $\omega_i = \cos\left(\frac{\pi\left(i + \frac{1}{2}\right)}{M}\right)$, $i = 0,\dots,M-1$ and $g^{-1}(\omega)$ being the inverse of $g$ i.e. the function that maps $[-1,1]$ to the frequency range of interest e.g. mapping to $[k_\text{min}, k_\text{max}]$ we have that

\[\begin{aligned} g(k) &= \frac{2}{k_\text{max} - k_\text{min}}k - \frac{k_\text{max} + k_\text{min}}{k_\text{max} - k_\text{min}}\\ g^{-1}(\omega) &= \frac{k_\text{max} - k_\text{min}}{2}\omega + \frac{k_\text{max} + k_\text{min}}{2} \end{aligned}\]

Note that the above computes the coefficients from the reduced systems, i.e. after $\mathbf{U}$ as been applied. In practice this means that an acceleration technique can be used generate the matrices. Another important aspect is that the above is non-intrusive, making it easy to implement in existing BEM software.

We now define the relevant functions required to compute the reduced basis matrices and Chebyshev coefficient matrices. Notice that this is all done using a "matrix-free" approach, meaning that the large $\mathbf{A}$-matrices is never stored in memory. Instead the multiplication with the matrix is approximated using the fast multipole method.

function create_basis_matrices(mesh,k_secondary,U;n_gauss=3)
    temp = zeros(eltype(U), size(U))
    output = zeros(eltype(U),size(U,2),size(U,2),length(k_secondary))
    for (index,k) in enumerate(k_secondary)
        F = FMMFOperator(mesh,k;n_gauss=n_gauss); # We're actually interseted in H = F + 0.5I
        mul!(temp,F,U) # The mul! currently only works directly on the FMMFOperator
        output[:,:,index] = U'*(temp + U/2) # We add half of a U due to 0.5I in the H-operator.
    return output
function create_chebyshev_coefficients(A_reduced)
    M = size(A_reduced,3)
    Cj = similar(A_reduced)
    for j = 0:M-1
        Cj[:,:,j+1] = 2/M*sum(i -> A_reduced[:,:,i+1]*cos(π*j*(i+1/2)/M),0:M-1)
    return Cj
function chebyshev_eval(x,M)
    output = ones(M)
    output[2] = x
    for i = 3:M
        output[i] = 2x*output[i-1] - output[i-2]
    return output
function eval_chebyshev_matrix(Cj,coeffs)
    output = -Cj[:,:,1]/2
    for index = eachindex(coeffs)
        output += coeffs[index]*Cj[:,:,index]
    return output
function assemble_chebyshev(Cj,k)
    return eval_chebyshev_matrix(Cj,chebyshev_eval(k,size(Cj,3)))
assemble_chebyshev (generic function with 1 method)

First we define a set of primary wavenumbers for which we compute the reduced basis (U) and the solution (sols)

L = 3;           # Number of primary wavenumbers used to compute the ROM Basis
k_primary = 2π*(LinRange(100,300,L))/c;  # Defining the primary frequencies
U,sols,_ = scattering_krylov_basis(mesh,k_primary;P₀=P₀,verbose=false,progress=false);
@info "Reduced basis size: $(size(U,2)) | Reduction in DOF: $(1 - size(U,2)/size(U,1)) %";
[ Info: Reduced basis size: 32 | Reduction in DOF: 0.9959595959595959 %

Then we define the secondary wavenumbers, i.e. the wavenumbers for which we compute the matrices $\mathbf{U}^\text{H}\mathbf{A}(k)\mathbf{U}$

kmin = 2π*10/c;
kmax = 2π*400/c;
g(k)    = 2/(kmax - kmin)*k .- (kmax + kmin )/(kmax - kmin);
ginv(ω) = (kmax - kmin)/2*ω .+ (kmin + kmax)/2;
M  = 25;                                # Number of terms in the Chebyshev approximation
ωᵢ = cos.(π*(collect(0:M-1) .+ 1/2)/M); # Zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials
k_secondary = ginv.(ωᵢ);               # Mapping [-1,1] to [kmin, kmax]

Using the defined functions we can create the basis matrices $\mathbf{U}^\text{H}\mathbf{A}(\omega_i)\mathbf{U}$

A_reduced = create_basis_matrices(mesh,k_secondary,U);

Now from the basis matrices we can compute the Chebyshev coefficient matrices ($\mathbf{C}_j$) as

Cj  = create_chebyshev_coefficients(A_reduced);

In order to avoid spurious frequencies we additionally define some so-called CHIEF points

src_chief = 0.9*rand(3,30)/sqrt(3);

Furthermore we want to evaluate the pressure at two field points: One directly in front and one directly in the back of the sphere at double the radius. As such

X_fieldpoints = [[0.0;0.0;2*r] [0.0;0.0;-2*r]];

We define the frequency range of interest

frequencies = collect(10:1:400);
ks = frequencies/c*2π;

Lastly we pre-allocate the output of pressure at the two field points

p1_chebyshev = zeros(ComplexF64,length(ks));
p2_chebyshev = zeros(ComplexF64,length(ks));
for (i,k) in enumerate(ks)
    Fp,_,_  = assemble_parallel!(mesh,k,X_fieldpoints,n=2,m=2,progress=false); # BEM matrix at field point
    F_chief,_,_  = assemble_parallel!(mesh,k,src_chief,n=2,m=2,progress=false); # CHIEF-point BEM
    p_chief  = P₀*exp.(im*k*src_chief[3,:]);                                    # CHIEF-point rhs
    k_scaled = g(k);                       # Scaling the wavenumber to the interval [-1,1]
    Hti = assemble_chebyshev(Cj,k_scaled); # Evaluating the series expansion at the scaled k value
    pIi = P₀*exp.(im*k*mesh.sources[3,:]); # Evaluating incident at colloation points (rhs)
    Hti     = [Hti; F_chief*U];            # Adding CHIEF system to ROM system
    p_romi  = U*(Hti\[(U'*pIi);p_chief]);  # Adding CHIEF rhs to ROM rhs
    p_field = -Fp*p_romi;                  # Evaluating pressure at the two field points
    p1_chebyshev[i] = p_field[1];          # Saving pressure at field point 1
    p2_chebyshev[i] = p_field[2];          # Saving pressure at field point 2

Comparing ROSEBEM solution with the analytical solution

First we start with the point located directly behind the sphere

p_i, p_s = p_analytical(0,2*r,ks;N_trunc = 80)
plot(frequencies,abs.(p_i + p_s),label="Analytical Solution",legend=:topleft,linewidth=2)
plot!(frequencies,abs.(p_i + p1_chebyshev),label="Chebyshev",legend=:topleft,linestyle=:dash,linewidth=2)
ylims!((0.7,1.5)); xlabel!("Frequency [Hz]"); ylabel!("|p/p0|")

While for the point located directly in front of the sphere the results look as follows

p_i, p_s = p_analytical(π,2*r,ks;N_trunc = 80)
plot(frequencies,abs.(p_i + p_s),label="Analytical Solution",legend=:topleft,linewidth=2)
plot!(frequencies,abs.(p_i + p2_chebyshev),label="Chebyshev",legend=:topleft,linestyle=:dash,linewidth=2)
ylims!((0.5,1.6)); xlabel!("Frequency [Hz]"); ylabel!("|p/p0|")


D. Panagiotopoulos, E. Deckers and W. Desmet. Krylov subspaces recycling based model order reduction for acoustic BEM systems and an error estimator. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 359, 112755 (2020).
M. Paltorp, V. C. Henríquez, N. Aage and P. R. Andersen. A Reduced Order Series Expansion for the BEM Incorporating the Boundary Layer Impedance Condition. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (2023).
F. Ihlenburg. Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering (Springer, 1998).
D. Panagiotopoulos, W. Desmet and E. Deckers. Parametric model order reduction for acoustic boundary element method systems through a multiparameter Krylov subspaces recycling strategy. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (2022).

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