Lossy Oscilating sphere (Exterior)

Importing related packages

using BoundaryIntegralEquations # For BIEs
using IterativeSolvers          # For gmres
using Plots                     # For plottings

Setting up constants

frequency = 100.0;                   # Frequency               (Hz)
ρ₀,c,_,_,_,kᵥ,_,_,_,_,_,_ = visco_thermal_constants(;freq=frequency,S=1);
a       = 1.0;                       # Radius of sphere        (m)
k       = 2π*frequency/c;            # Wavenumber              (1/m)
v₀      = 1e-2;                      # Initial velocity        (m/s)

Loading the mesh

mesh_path = joinpath(dirname(pathof(BoundaryIntegralEquations)),"..","examples","meshes");
mesh_file = joinpath(mesh_path,"sphere_1m_coarser");
mesh = load3dTriangularComsolMesh(mesh_file)
Number of elements: 	 246
Number of unkowns:  	 494
Geometry defined by:	 TriangularQuadratic{Float64}
Physics defined by: 	 TriangularQuadratic{Float64}

For use later we extract the polar and azimuth angles from the collocation nodes

targets = mesh.sources;                         # Target coordinates      [m]
n = size(targets, 2);                           # Number of target points
x = targets[1,:];                               # x-coordinates
y = targets[2,:];                               # y-coordinates
z = targets[3,:];                               # z-coordinates
θ = acos.(z./a);                                # Polar/Colatitude angle
ϕ = acos.(x./sqrt.(x.^2 .+ y.^2)).*sign.(y);    # Azimuth angle

Analytical solution

The following is the analytical solution of a sphere oscillating in a viscous fluid described in section 6.9 of Temkin ([12]). The solution is truncated to only include the first order terms (which are the dominating terms). As such the analytical expression for the acoustical pressure ($p^a$), viscous velocity in the radial direction ($v^r$), and viscous velocity in the polar direction ($v^\theta$) on the surface are given as functions of the polar angle

\[\begin{aligned} p^a_\text{analytical}(\theta) &\approx -3\rho_0 c A_1h_1^{(1)}(ka)\cos(\theta)\\ v^r_\text{analytical}(\theta) &\approx \left(v_0 - 3\mathrm{i}k A_1h_1'(ka)\right)\cos(\theta)\\ v^\theta_\text{analytical}(\theta) &\approx \left(-v_0 + \frac{3\mathrm{i}}{a}A_1h_1(ka)\right)\sin(\theta) \end{aligned}\]

where $\rho_0$ is the ambient density of air, $c$ is the speed of sound, $k$ is the wavenuumber, $a$ is the radius of the sphere, $h_1^{(1)}$ is the spherical Hankel function of order 1, and $v_0$ is the oscilating velocity in the $z$-direction. Furthermore $A_1$ is a constant computed from the radius of the sphere, the wavenumber, and the viscous wavenumber. In order to compute $A_1$ we start by defining two constants similar to Temkin

β = a*kᵥ; # As defined in (6.9.19) in Temkin (kᵥ is the so-called viscous wavenumber)
b = a*k;  # As defined in (6.9.19) in Temkin

Then using (6.9.25) from Temkin it is now possible to compute $A_1$ as

A₁ = -v₀/(3im*k)*b^3*exp(-im*b)*(3β+3im-im*β^2)/(β^2*(b^2-2)-b^2+im*(β*b^2+2b*β^2));

In order to evaluate the three analytical expressions we need to define the sphereical Hankel function as well as its derivative at order 1

sp_h(z)  = -exp(im*z)*(z + im)/(z^2);          # Spherical Hankel function of order 1
dsp_h(z) = exp(im*z)*(2z + im*(2-z^2))/(z^3);  # Derivative of Spherical Hankel function of order 1

Using these it is now possible to evaluate the analytical expressions

θ_analytical  = collect(0:0.01:π)
pa_analytical = -3.0*ρ₀*c*k*A₁*(sp_h(k*a))*cos.(θ_analytical);   # Analytical acoustic pressure
vr_analytical = ( v₀ - 3*im*k*A₁*dsp_h(k*a))*cos.(θ_analytical); # Analytical viscous velocity in the radial direction
vθ_analytical = (-v₀ + 3*im/a*A₁*sp_h(k*a))*sin.(θ_analytical);  # Analytical viscous velocity in the polar direction

Solution through BEM

The following is based on the ideas presented in [13]. A summary of theory can be found in documentation. In simple terms the problem of including the viscous and thermal losses into the BEM system boils down to solving the following linear system of equations

\[\begin{equation} \underbrace{\left[\mathbf{G}_a\left(\mu_a\left(\mathbf{R}\mathbf{N}\right)^{-1}\mathbf{R}\mathbf{D}_c + \mu_h\mathbf{G}_h^{-1}\mathbf{H}_h\right) - \phi_a\mathbf{H}_a\right]}_{\text{LGO}}\mathbf{p}_a = \mathbf{G}_a\left(\underbrace{\mathbf{R}\mathbf{N}}_{\text{inner}}\right)^{-1}\mathbf{R} \mathbf{v}_s, \end{equation}\]

where $\mathbf{R} = \mathbf{D}_r - \mathbf{N}^\top\mathbf{G}_v^{-1}\mathbf{H}_v$. The definition of the remaining matrices can be found here. In the code LGO is implemented as a lazy linear operator that contain all matrices that goes into the linear system and evaluates the multiplication as in the algorithm below (note that (4.50) refers to the equation above). Algorithm In the iterative scheme it is possible to apply acceleration techniques such as the fast multipole method (FMM) or hierarchical matrices instead of the dense versions of $\mathbf{G_a}$ and $\mathbf{H_a}$. In the following code snippet it was chosen to use the FMM by setting fmm_on=true.

LGO = LossyGlobalOuter(mesh,frequency;fmm_on=true,depth=1,n=3,progress=false);
vs  = [zeros(2n); v₀*ones(n)];  # Define surface velocity in the
rhs = LGO.Ga*gmres(LGO.inner,LGO.Dr*vs - LGO.Nd'*gmres(LGO.Gv,LGO.Hv*vs));
pa_bem = gmres(LGO,rhs;verbose=true);
=== gmres ===
rest	iter	resnorm
  1	  1	2.07e-05
  1	  2	2.70e-06
  1	  3	8.77e-07
  1	  4	1.86e-07
  1	  5	1.52e-08
  1	  6	4.45e-10

To verify the acoustical pressure we plot the real part against the analytical solution

ylabel!("Re(pᵃ)"); title!("Acoustical Pressure"); xlabel!("θ (rad)")

From the acoustical pressure it possible to reconstruct the viscous velocity as

ph  = -LGO.tau_a/LGO.tau_h*pa_bem;
dpa = -gmres(LGO.Ga,LGO.Ha*pa_bem);
dph = -gmres(LGO.Gh,LGO.Hh*ph);
v   = vs - (LGO.phi_a*LGO.Dc*pa_bem +
            LGO.phi_a*LGO.Nd*dpa    +
            LGO.phi_h*LGO.Dc*ph     +

From this we can extract the radial component of the viscous flow as

vr_bem = LGO.Nd'*v;

Then subtracting the radial part from the viscous flow we the tangential viscous velocity.

vt = v + LGO.Nd*vr_bem;

Finally, projecting the tangential flow onto the polar direction it follows that

vθ_bem = cos.(θ).*cos.(ϕ).*vt[1:1n] + cos.(θ).*sin.(ϕ).*vt[n+1:2n] - sin.(θ).*vt[2n+1:3n];

Plotting real part of the radial velocity and polar velocity

p1 = scatter(θ,real.(vr_bem),label="BEM",markersize=2);
plot!(p1,θ_analytical, real.(vr_analytical),label="Analytical",linewidth=2);
ylabel!(p1,"Re(vʳ)"); title!(p1,"Viscous velocity in the radial direction")
p2 = scatter(θ,real.(vθ_bem),markersize=2,legend=false);
xlabel!(p2,"θ (rad)"); ylabel!(p2,"Re(v⁽⁾)"); title!(p2,"Viscous velocity in the polar direction")


S. Temkin. Elements of Acoustics (Acoustical Society of America, 2001).
S. Preuss, M. Paltorp, V. Cutanda Henríquez and S. Marburg. Revising the Boundary Element Method for Thermoviscous Acoustics: An Iterative Approach via Schur Complement. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (2023).

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