Rigid sphere scattering (Exterior)

Importing related packages

using BoundaryIntegralEquations # For BIEs
using LegendrePolynomials       # For Legendre Polynomials
using SpecialFunctions          # For Bessel functions
using IterativeSolvers          # For gmres
using LinearAlgebra             # For Diagonal
using Meshes                    # For 3d mesh plots
using Plots                     # For 2d plots
import GLMakie as wgl

Setting up constants

frequency = 100.0;                              # Frequency                [Hz]
c  = 343;                                       # Speed up sound           [m/s]
a  = 1.0;                                       # Radius of sphere_1m      [m]
k  = 2π*frequency/c;                            # Wavenumber
P₀ = 1.0;                                       # Magnitude of planewave

Loading Mesh

Loading and visualizing the triangular (spherical) mesh

mesh_file = joinpath(dirname(pathof(BoundaryIntegralEquations)),"..","examples","meshes","sphere_1m_coarser");
mesh = load3dTriangularComsolMesh(mesh_file;physics_order=:disctrilinear)
Number of elements: 	 246
Number of unkowns:  	 738
Geometry defined by:	 BoundaryIntegralEquations.TriangularQuadratic{Float64}
Physics defined by: 	 BoundaryIntegralEquations.DiscontinuousTriangularLinear{Float64}

Analytical Solution

The analytical solution of the scattering of a sphere by plane wave can be computed as ([14])

\[ p_\text{analytical}(r, \theta) = P_0\left(\exp(\mathrm{i}kr\cos(\theta)) - \sum_{n=1}^\infty \mathrm{i}^n(2n+1)\frac{j_n^{'}(ka)}{h_n^{'}(ka)}P_n(\cos(\theta))h_n(kr)\right),\]

where $j_n, h_n$ and $P_n$ are respectively the spherical Bessel function of the first kind, the Hankel function of the first kind and the Legendre polynomial of degree $n$. To make the implementation easier we define the following helper functions

dsp_j(n,z) = n/z*sphericalbesselj(n,z) - sphericalbesselj(n+1,z); # Derivative of j
dsp_y(n,z) = n/z*sphericalbessely(n,z) - sphericalbessely(n+1,z); # Derivative of y
sp_h(n,z)  = sphericalbesselj(n,z) + im*sphericalbessely(n,z);    # Hankel function (h)
dsp_h(n,z) = dsp_j(n,z) + im*dsp_y(n,z);                          # Derivative of h

Using the helper functions we can define the a function for the coefficients

c_n(n,ka)  = (im)^n*(2n + 1)*(dsp_j(n,ka)./dsp_h(n,ka));

The total pressure as the sum of scattered and incident pressure

θ_analytical = collect(0:0.01:π);   # Angles where the analytical solution will be evaluated
N_truncation = 50;                  # Truncation of the sum
p_s = P₀*sum(n -> -c_n(n,k*a) .* Pl.(cos.(θ_analytical), n) .* sp_h.(n,k*a), 0:N_truncation);
p_i = P₀*exp.(im*k*cos.(θ_analytical))
p_analytical = p_s + p_i;

Solution using the BEM

Computing incident pressure at the collocation points

pI = P₀*exp.(im*k*mesh.sources[3,:]);

Computing the BEM solution using dense matrices

Fp,_,Cp = assemble_parallel!(mesh,k,mesh.sources,n=2,m=2,progress=false);
Hp = Fp + Diagonal(1.0 .- Cp);
p_bem = gmres(Hp,pI;verbose=true);
=== gmres ===
rest	iter	resnorm
  1	  1	1.16e+01
  1	  2	3.00e+00
  1	  3	1.37e-01
  1	  4	7.54e-04
  1	  5	6.75e-05
  1	  6	5.90e-06
  1	  7	8.27e-08

Computing BEM solution using the FMM operator

Ff = FMMFOperator(mesh,k);
Hf = Ff + 0.5I;
p_fmm = gmres(Hf,pI;verbose=true);
=== gmres ===
rest	iter	resnorm
  1	  1	1.16e+01
  1	  2	3.00e+00
  1	  3	1.37e-01
  1	  4	8.80e-04
  1	  5	5.01e-05
  1	  6	1.13e-05
  1	  7	1.78e-07

Computing BEM solution using the H operator

Fh = HFOperator(mesh,k);
Hh = Fh + 0.5I;
p_h = gmres(Hh,pI;verbose=true);
[ Info: Assembling HMatrix on 4 threads
=== gmres ===
rest	iter	resnorm
  1	  1	1.16e+01
  1	  2	3.00e+00
  1	  3	1.37e-01
  1	  4	8.80e-04
  1	  5	5.01e-05
  1	  6	1.13e-05
  1	  7	1.78e-07

Plotting solution

For plotting purposes we must order the solution w.r.t the angles

surface_angles = acos.(mesh.sources[3,:]/a);
perm = sortperm(surface_angles);

Plotting real part of pressure

plot(θ_analytical, real.(p_analytical),label="Analytical",linewidth=2)
xlabel!("Angle (rad)"); ylabel!("re(p)");

Plotting imaginary part of pressure

plot(θ_analytical, imag.(p_analytical),label="Analytical",linewidth=2)
xlabel!("Angle (rad)"); ylabel!("im(p)");

Plotting absolute pressure values

plot(θ_analytical, abs.(p_analytical),label="Analytical",linewidth=2)
xlabel!("Angle (rad)"); ylabel!("|p|");

Plotting the solution on the sphere. Note that the mesh is plotted as linear due to the underlying library used, not because the mesh itself is linear.

wgl.set_theme!(resolution=(600, 600))
data_mesh,data_viz = create_vizualization_data(mesh,p_fmm)
fig, ax, hm = viz(data_mesh;showfacets=true, color=abs.(data_viz))


F. Ihlenburg. Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering (Springer, 1998).

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