Pardiso.jl - I help maintain the Julia interface to the sparse linear solver Pardiso.
BoundaryIntegralEquations.jl - A Julia package for solving (acoustical) Boundary Integral Equations using the Boundary Element Method (through collocation). The computations can be accelerated using the H-matrix, Interpolated Factored Green's Function and Fast Multipole Method approaches using the HMatrices.jl, IFGF.jl and FMM3D.jl packages.
FMM2D.jl - A Julia interface for computing N-body interactions using the Flatiron Institute's FMM2D library. Currently, only the Helmholtz kernel is wrapped (as it was the only kernel properly documented in their documentation).
BlockDiagonalMatrices.jl - A Julia package that implements efficient algorithms for block diagonal matrices.
SymSemiseparableMatrices.jl - A Julia package that implements linear time/storage algorithms for a certain class of rank structured matrices.
GeneralizedSmoothingSplines.jl - A package for fitting smoothing splines of degrees \(2p-1\). Adds the options for restricting the shape of the splines. All underlying computations are done using SymSemiseparableMatrices.jl.
BEM200 - Some simple Julia code for 2D BEM computations for educational purposes.